Welcome to nusoma health. Experts in holistic wellness.

Innovative wellness,
made for everyone.

Our team of extensively trained medical professionals has over ten years of experience in the field of integrative medicine and are trained in over 25 cutting-edge wellness therapies.

The result?

A wellness treatment that invigorates your body's innate healing potential, leaving you with an unparalleled sense of rejuvenation and vitality.

Caitlin Policastro, NP

"Every patient has the potential to heal and return to optimal health."

Caitlin Policastro, BSN, MSN (ANP/GNP), a nurse practitioner with a decade of experience, completed her undergraduate degree in nursing at the University of Pittsburgh. While working in the ICU at Memorial Sloan Kettering Center, she pursued her Master's degree in Adult/Geriatric Health in Nursing at Hunter College. During her studies, she joined the post-operative unit at the Hospital for Special Surgery, working alongside renowned orthopedic surgeons for four years. Witnessing her patients struggle with chronic health problems without finding relief from traditional medicine, she felt a strong calling towards integrative medicine, and has spent the past 8 years as clinical director at the world renown New York Center for Innovative Medicine.

Our medical team is ready to help you.

Our wellness values drive home success

Our team of highly trained professionals uses the latest healing technologies to restore you to pain-free health quickly and easily. We thoroughly evaluate & treat all of the contributing root factors related to your issue. Includes, but is not limit, your work and home stressors.

IV Therapies

Choose from 8 IV therapy packages.

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Oxidative Therapies

Discover the power of ENG3 Oxygen therapy.

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IM Injections

Explore our vitamin and mineral injections.

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